Physical Education
Department Vision
At Bury CE High School we aim to ensure the very best experience for all students within Physical Education through an ambitious, yet fun, engaging curriculum. Our ethos in PE is very much ‘Sport for All’.
Our curriculum aims to help all students follow a healthy and active lifestyle whilst at school and beyond promoting healthy participation in sport. The curriculum ensures students understand the benefits exercise and healthy lifestyles including mental, physical and emotional health. We also aim to develop students’ confidence, competence, communication skills and ability to collaborate. These, together with the development of positive values and attitudes in PE, provide a good foundation for students beyond school.
We have a number of talented athletes that compete on a local, regional and national level who we support through our curriculum and regularly celebrate as a school community through our assemblies and newsletters.
Curriculum Design
The PE curriculum is based on three pillars of progression: motor competence; rules, strategies and tactics; and healthy participation. Declarative and procedural knowledge of motor competence and rules, strategies and tactics develop within each individual sport with students deepening their knowledge of knowing what and showing how these aspects develop from isolated skills, to participation in routines or team games, to analysis of performance.
The sports covered throughout the five years are as follows:
- Team sports of football, handball and striking/fielding games.
- Individual sports/activities of badminton, table tennis, fitness, aesthetic activities of dance/trampolining and athletics.
- OAA activity of orienteering supporting the development of team building and problem solving.
Knowledge of healthy participation develops over the five years in the areas including safety, warm up/cool downs, leadership and sport in the community.
At the end of year 9, students can choose to follow the AQA PE GCSE course or OCR Sports Studies alongside their dedicated 2 lessons of core PE per week.
Below shows the curriculum intent for each sport at KS3 (currently being updated for other sports):
Autumn term
Spring term
We are currently reviewing and further developing our KS4 Core PE curriculum. We will publish it as soon as it is available.
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
We are incredibly proud to have developed our own, on site orienteering course. Please click on the button below to review the course.
Whilst orienteering, students develop excellent problem solving and communication skills as they work together to complete the set course. Our whole school focus on disciplinary vocabulary ensures students also develop good knowledge of key orienteering terminology.
Core knowledge - GCSE PE
Below are documents displaying the knowledge that we believe all KS4 students should embed within their long term memory in order to be successful in GCSE PE. This list should be used to prioritise your revision before moving onto deeper knowledge within the curriculum.
Core knowledge - Sports studies OCR
Below are documents displaying the knowledge that we believe all KS4 students should embed within their long term memory in order to be successful in Sports Studies. This list should be used to prioritise your revision before moving onto deeper knowledge within the curriculum.
- Mr P Connolly, Head of Department
- Mrs C Hilton
- Mr J MacMahon
- Miss C Tonge
Extracurricular activities
A detailed PE extra-curricular provision throughout the academic year supports learning, progress and healthy, active lifestyle through PE breakfast clubs and after school PE clubs/fixtures.
The PE Department runs clubs and teams in a variety of extra-curricular sports and physical activities including Netball, Football, Basketball, Rugby Union, Table Tennis, Badminton, Dance, Hockey, Boxercise, Trampolining, Cross-Country, Fitness, Dodgeball, Non-Traditional Games, Volleyball, Cricket, Softball, Rounders and Outdoor & Adventurous Pursuits. The department also organises inter-form sports activities and competition along with running some ‘A’ team and ‘B’ fixtures, competitions and events that are inclusive to all. The department offers breakfast PE clubs, lunch time PE clubs and after school PE clubs that are open to all pupils. Regular fixtures take place against other schools. The department takes an active role in the Bury Secondary School Sports Partnership. We have strong links with local sports clubs and organisations that help to provide a pathway for our pupils to play sport and follow a healthy and active lifestyle outside of school.
The department offers sports leadership opportunities throughout the academic year for different year groups. Gifted and talented sessions along with PE inclusion sessions and clubs also take place throughout the academic year for different sports and physical activities. Our aim as a PE Department is to provide ‘Sport for All’ throughout the academic year.
Please view our current extra-curricular timetable below:
Spring 2025 extra-curricular activities
Knowledge Organisers
OCR Sports Studies
- Arousal Aggression Motivation Personality Types
- Circulatory System
- Diet Somatotypes Health and Fitness
- Ethical Issues
- Health Fitness and Fitness Testing
- Levers Planes Axis and Effects of Exercise
- Respiratory System
- Skeletal and Muscular Systems
- Socio-Cultural Influences Commercialisation
- Training Methods Seasons Safety
KS3 Core
- KS3 Athletics
- KS3 Badminton
- KS3 Basketball
- KS3 Fitness - Body Systems
- KS3 Football
- KS3 Handball
- KS3 Netball
- KS3 Orienteering
- KS3 Rounders